Universal Health Coverage Day Quiz

Universal Health Coverage Day Quiz

Leave No One’s Health Behind: Invest in Health System for All

Universal Health Coverage Day Quiz is an initiative by the National Health Authority (NHA) to advocate the health as human right and spread awareness among people across the country regarding imperative of Universal Health coverage under Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri - Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) & general health issues. The main aim of this activity is to spread the word of engage, excite and enable citizens to improve their health and wellbeing through an interactive learning process.

These questions are designed to motivate citizens to think and learn about various matters related to ABPM-JAY & Universal Health Day, Health Benefit Packages, Quality of healthcare &common Medical conditions etc.

Through this fun and interactive quiz, participants would have the opportunity to not only test their knowledge about Universal Health Day and win attractive prizes but also learn about the latest developments around Health.

The overall objective of the ‘Universal Health Coverage’ Quiz is to promote Universal health coverage as Sustainable Development Goals for 2015-2030, adopted by the United Nations & accept the opportunity as annual rallying point for advocates to raise their voices and share the stories of the millions of people still waiting for health, call on leaders to make smarter investments in health and remind the world about the importance of Universal Health Coverage.